Month: March 2011

I believe I can fly…..

There comes a time in life when all the coaching, advice and best wishes of friends, family and mentors can’t help you anymore. You have done the work and climbed the mountain. At some point you have to make that leap of faith and believe that all the training will serve you well. You gotta

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Patience Grasshopper…..

Patience Grasshopper….ugh…I’m trying, I’m trying…okay, honestly?Some days, I’m tired of trying. Some days I just want to let loose and spew a vile and nasty string of words at the world just to get it off my chest. I wanna get mad and throw things and hear glass shatter. I wanna scream so loud they can

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All roads……

A friend asked me yesterday ” When am I going to stop missing my last relationship?” Boy, If I could tell you that I’d be a millionaire. But the question isn’t really when will you quit missing that person. And it’s not ” when will you meet someone new?”. It’s simpler than that. It’s: WHEN WILL YOU FEEL NORMAL

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All through the night….

The night was clear and there seemed to be a thousand stars in the sky. The amber-colored lights of the city flickered at a steady pace below us. I was comfortable, relaxed. There was a soft glow of light from the dashboard radio as we sat in an old red Land Shark listening to Smokey Robinson.

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Hell of a ride…..

When I was a kid I loved to make wishes on dandelions and blooooooow….The fuzzy white seed pods would fly apart and I watched them drift away in the summer sun like mini storm troopers parachuting to earth.  Honestly, I still love doing that. But I think I have refined the process. It’s not just WISHES anymore. It

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The lil’ Engine that could…..

As you may, or hell, may not know…I’m a singer. I perform with the Bayou City Performing Arts in Houston. This coming Saturday is our big concert at Cullen Theater. It seems rather timely that our conductor would have chosen a concert based on all the diversity around the world. There is so much unrest

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The buffet of LIFE…..

I have always hated the phrase “Fake it till you make it”. I’m usually a “feel it or forget it” kinda gal. But today, I woke up feeling puny and within the hour had busted a fever. An ice cold diet coke and my comfy couch was calling my name. Just when I had accepted

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Just us chickens…..

Friday nights are always best when you can spend them with “THE GIRLS”. Girlfriends that have weathered the tides of time and share all the same aches and pains that you have endured one way or another. We are all past the point of needing to impress each other. There is no bragging of career

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