Tag: motivational


You hear the words “self-care” and visions of day spas, bottomless mimosas, and naps by the pool fly before your mind’s eye like a sizzle reel on youtube. You never think about the un-fun side of self-care. But alas, here I sit in my pj’s in my “home” office making that dreaded call to the

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No matter how old I get, I hope I never hesitate to take that NEXT step cause you just never know where it might lead you. I pulled together all my pennies, nickels and even a Visa gift card to get my ass to the BIG D (that’s Dallas to all non-Texans out there) to

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I shaved my legs for this?…..

It’s hard to believe that there is an unflattering side to losing weight. But there is! And NOBODY, I mean NOOOOOBODY warns you about it. Now, before you go getting your granny panties in a twist, I’m not talking that 10 lbs of “Water Weight” you think you are retaining. I am talking about losing

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I Got You Babe!…..

Without you …..I would not experience Faith Without you …..I wouldn’t be challenged to Trust Without you…..I would not strive to make the World a Better Place Without you…..I would not push myself to get to the Other Side Without you…..I would not experience Unconditional Love I would not be who I am today without

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Still working on the chorus…..

It’s not lost on me that some people actually lose the ability to move forward in life. They become weighted and bogged down in life by the things they spend years struggling and fighting against. They live in a state of unrest. Emotionally, physically and spiritually denied by their own short comings and insecurities. Till

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Keep the good times coming…..

I know…I know, where the hell have I been? Well, I’ve been living life. What you been do’in? I hope you haven’t been waiting on me….or Waiting on the RIGHT time to do something…..or, for the RIGHT person to do it with…..or The RIGHT moment to do whatever the hell you THINK is gonna make you happy.

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Diary of a MAD*FAT*WOMAN takes to the stage….

IT IS FINALLY HERE! A SHOW!!!!!!! NAME IN LIGHTS…..Diary of a MAD* FAT * WOMAN. A Night of Cabaret with Juliana Wathen TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW AT http://www.obsidianartspace.org/coming-events.html Based on the popular blog by the same name Diary of a MAD * FAT * WOMAN…..a journal of personal insight, crazy rants, battle of the bulge and

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Don’t give up the ship…..

One of the greatest assets we can possess is HOPE. Hope gives us the ability to move forward, to see ahead through the storm and on to clearer days and calmer seas. It tells us “we can” when others, including ourselves, say “we can’t”. Hope is that small seed that propels us into the future.

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NO PAIN  – NO GAIN! Yep that is the mantra of FOOTBALL…It’s finally  fall and time for tailgating and grid iron match ups on Sundays in America. The touchdowns and field goals are  bringing folks to their feet! Even I did an impromptu “end-zone celebration” in the middle of my living room after my team,

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Move according to your heart…..

Follow your heart…it is an age old saying. But today…so many of us have been trained and conditioned to be such “LEADERS” in our lives and communities that we rarely allow ourselves to relax and  “FOLLOW” much of anything. We precieve “following” as the weaker option and therefore the lessor or least likely choice There is some

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