Month: September 2020

I got this!

Confidence doesn’t just happen. It comes about from challenging our comfort zones and expanding our awareness. Confidence is the manifest expression of knowledge. The KNOWING of who YOU are. Knowledge is power…let me say that again. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! In this devisive time, many have shut out any chance of expanding their knowledge. They are

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Living this daydream…

This is a piece of me. For you. For the Earth. For Sky God. For the underdog. Give us what we need. Give us nothing. For in that nothing we find what fills us. Within life. Within death. Our peace is coming it is heaven sent. Peace in me. Peace in you. Living this daydream.

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Where have all the lightkeepers gone?

Tsunamis start as small waves deep at sea caused by an underwater disturbance. They can begin unnoticed, just a ripple, but as they get closer to land and the water becomes more shallow the long wave builds upwards until it crashs into land wiping out everything in its path. This is the story of America

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