Tag: self esteem

Notes from the Harp

Captains log: January 18, 2022 It has taken me 18 days to settle into this new year. Not exactly a record but worth making note of. I have newly turned 59 years old. My cholesteral is finally too high for my doctor’s liking and so I join the ranks of other genteel statin-heads my age

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One Choice, One Step

The year is new but that doesn’t mean we can just amend old habits with a spoken wish and a written resolution…OR IS IT? We have been conditioned to believe that change is hard, that the struggle is real, and that it is in the difficulty that resides the prize. I respectfully disagree. Change is

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Seriously…Step aside….

Have you ever heard the phrase” Get out of your own way” ? For all the up and downs life throws us it seems that the answer can be as easy as ….STEP ASIDE. It seems we have been programmed to believe that for something to work it must be hard-won. That we must struggle to learn

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No matter how old I get, I hope I never hesitate to take that NEXT step cause you just never know where it might lead you. I pulled together all my pennies, nickels and even a Visa gift card to get my ass to the BIG D (that’s Dallas to all non-Texans out there) to

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Follow the Yellow Brick Road…..

Wake up Blanche…we’re not in Kansas anymore! Today, I’m taking a big step out of the wings and moving center stage into a new adventure. I’m headed up I45 North to the currently frozen tundra of DALLAS for a weekend “Acting for the Camera” boot camp with one of the best known “friend of Dorothy’s”

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I shaved my legs for this?…..

It’s hard to believe that there is an unflattering side to losing weight. But there is! And NOBODY, I mean NOOOOOBODY warns you about it. Now, before you go getting your granny panties in a twist, I’m not talking that 10 lbs of “Water Weight” you think you are retaining. I am talking about losing

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Into my dreams…..

You visit me in my dreams. Dreams so vivid and real that for a brief moment the dream becomes reality and I am totally immersed in the time, taste, and smells surrounding me. Emotions are more intense and swell unrestrained by any insecurity or proven past history. My true reality seems like a distant childhood memory clouded over by a low, ground hugging fog that

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Hiding in plain sight….

Much like a hermit crab I have spent my life living in a shell and as time rolled by I would exchange it for larger and larger shells. It was my home, it was my comfort and protection. And with it I was able, for the most part, to hide in plain sight. You see,

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I Got You Babe!…..

Without you …..I would not experience Faith Without you …..I wouldn’t be challenged to Trust Without you…..I would not strive to make the World a Better Place Without you…..I would not push myself to get to the Other Side Without you…..I would not experience Unconditional Love I would not be who I am today without

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