Where have all the lightkeepers gone?


Tsunamis start as small waves deep at sea caused by an underwater disturbance. They can begin unnoticed, just a ripple, but as they get closer to land and the water becomes more shallow the long wave builds upwards until it crashs into land wiping out everything in its path.

This is the story of America and our current situation of division and hate that started with a disturbance and has grown into a fast moving wave destroying evrything in its path. It has left me wondering what has happened to our light workers. Where are the individuals that carried the banner of light, love and understanding to lead the blind thru the storm? Gradually, I have seen them shutter the lighthouses and withdraw from being a beacon of linspiration and love to one of exclusion, disdain and even hate.

We have spent decades trying to spread love, understanding and acceptance to all and accept them for where they were in life because we all have different quests and lessons put before us. We met hate with love, violence with peace, exclusion with open arms and ignorance with knowledge. Our doors were open to all….or so I thought.

I have seen a wave of incredible people fall victim to that which they despise and many don’t even see it. They have succombed to hate and judgement and have soured their souls against their neighbors, friends and family. There is a tsunami of posts on Facebook of unfollowing associates, unfriending life long friends and even blocking family members as if that it the answer to the unrest in this country. Suddenly it is envogue to banish anyone who has an opposing opinion about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Yes, racism is vile, hate is wicked and so is judgement, sexism and eliteism. However-

You cannot be the light in the storm if you only open the shutters to ships that sail under your flag or banner of protection.

Lightworkers are here to be a light of love, an example of forgiveness and a bearer of truth. Do not hide your light. The time is NOW to burn brighter than ever. The time is here for you to recommit to meet the challenge and stand firm when the unrelenting waves of negativity crash at your shores. Let there be peace on earth….and let it begin with me.

I love each and every one of you.

Juliana Wathen @2020

8 comments on “Where have all the lightkeepers gone?”

  1. Wow… deep!  Excellent conclusion, ‘Let there be peace on earth….and let it begin with me.’ All is well, 🙏 Kimberly Luce Dollar M.A.R., B.S., T.R.E.C Broker, C.M., C.N.E., F.C.C. Licensee210.355.8324kimberlydollar725@gmail.com   From: Diary of a MAD * FAT * WOMAN…..Sent: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 9:10 AMTo: kimberlydollar725@gmail.comSubject: [New post] Where have all the lightkeepers gone? Juliana Wathen posted: " Tsunamis start as small waves deep at sea caused by an underwater disturbance. They can begin unnoticed, just a ripple, but as they get closer to land and the water becomes more shallow the long wave builds upwards until it crashs into land wiping out ev"


  2. Oh, my friend. This post brought tears to my eyes this morning— it was exactly the message I needed to hear. In a world that is becoming more difficult to navigate daily, it helps to remember that I don’t always need to look for the light. I AM the light. Thank you for the reminder!

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